Bhumi Exports, a distinguished export company hailing from India, renowned for our commitment to quality and excellence.

With ISO certification validating our stringent quality standards, we have earned a stellar reputation both within India and on the international stage.

Our Product Range

Export houses, especially of agricultural industry, face a great challenge of Quality control and assurance.


Vegetables are important part of healthy eating and provide a source of many nutrients.


Fruits are nature’s wonderful gift to the mankind; indeed, they are life-enhancing medicines.

Cattle Feed

Cattle feed are also core product in export line we majorly export to South East Asia on regularly basis.

Why Choose US Promise of the 3Qs will ensure that your demands are always fulfilled.


Quality Assurance is one of our Unique Selling Points.


We have our own warehouses, Packaging facility, Quality Sorting service, and other crucial logistics.

Quick Delivery

Our team has both relevant expertise as well as rich experience in this Export and Import Industry